We would love to get to know you. Please post a short introduction and take the time to read other people’s introductions too. Networking and connection is a really important aspect of all our leadership programmes and one way to start this off is to comment on other people’s posts.


Kei ōu ringaringa te ao

The world is yours.

18 Responses

  1. Kia Ora koutou, ko Celeste toku ingoa. I retrained as a kaiako 10 years ago. I currently have a lively class of mostly year 3 akonga at Ngaruawahia Primary School. I am Australian and met my kiwi husband while on my big OE. We have 3 sons and live off grid on a rural property. My passion as a kaiako apart from wanting all tamariki to achieve their best is literacy 😀 I love my crazy busy job and I work with great colleagues. I am looking forward to building my strengths through this PLD.

    1. Kia ora Celeste. Welcome to the group. We willall e joy reading your insights wbich will come from having been trained in Australia. I am so pleased you chose to join us! Ngaruawahia will jave been such an interesting place to be working over the past year with all those important events for the Kīngitanga.

  2. Kia ora koutou

    Ko Anna Fitchett ahau. I work at Birchwood School in Nelson teaching our new entrant tamariki. I have been in the WST role for a number of years and started as Junior Team leader last year. I love teaching our newest school members and supporting a positive transition to school for both the tamariki and their whānau. I have two of my own children that keep our household very busy and have been lucky enough to have them both go to Birchwood School. I look forward to getting started on this PLD!

    1. Welcome Anna. What important work you do! The experience that those little people in your care have will shape their future. What a responsibility! I look forward to reading your responses as we move through the modules.

  3. Kia ora koutou,
    Ko Richard Norton ahau. I live in Dunedin with my wife and 2 kids (ages 8 and 11) and I teach maths at Logan Park High School. I’m in my 6th year of teaching and my second career, having previously worked in academia, living and working in the UK and Australia before returning to New Zealand. Although leaving all of my research behind was difficult, I’m much happier teaching. I’m looking forward to this opportunity for personal and professional development as I take on more responsibility at my school by leading Year 10 camps, chairing our branch of the PPTA, looking after maths extension and enrichment, being the teacher in charge of our Year 12 Calculus course, coaching hockey, and this year becoming a dean.

    1. Kia Ora Richard. What a great foundation you are laying down for your future career- pastoral care, curriculum etc. Your Principal must really love your contribution to the school including extra-curricular life. It must have been a huge change to return to NZ. I’m sure the group will enjoy your responses.

  4. Hello everyone, I am Jade and live in the mighty Waikato in a small Village called Ohaupo. I have been teaching for 15years as a Special Education Teacher. I am currently at Patricia Avenue School in Hamilton and been there for 11 years. My teaching career has predominantly seen me work with students who have very high complex needs as well as those with significantly severe behavioral needs. This year however I am adventuring to something new and have a gorgeous new entrants class at our Base School. Last year I did the Courageous Conversations course through Growth Culture and it was the best course I have been on so jumped at the chance to enroll in this. Within my school setting I am the Staff Rep on the Board of Trustees, Staff Rep on the Health and Safety Committee and am in charge of funding applications and the school magazine. I love everything about teaching Special Education and feel I have the best job ever.

    Out of school life I am married to a wonderful man who works for KiwiRail and have two amazing children Logan (7years) and Xavier (2years). Currently I don’t have many hobbies as family/friends is my life. My life raising two X Men (yes we named our boys after X Men characters) takes up my free time as they both have special powers. Logan lives with ADHD/Autism and Xavier lives with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and Noonan Syndrome combined (he is the only one in NZ with this diagnosis).

    I can’t wait to learn more through this course and make many new connections with other educators 🙂

    1. Nice to hear from you Jade. I can see why you don’t have many hobbies as your life is so full! ! Your career has been so interesting thus far and I’m sure we’re all going to benefit from hearing more about it. I’m looking forward to talking with you next week.

  5. Kia ora koutou

    Ko Kim toku ingoa. No Whakatū ahau. Hei tumuaki tuarua ahau ki te kuratahi o Birchwood. I have been in the teaching profession for many years (close to you Geraldine) and been in my current role for about ten years. Prior to that I have had other leadership roles. I am currently SENCO/DP responsible for Curriculum and Assessment. I only came out of the classroom two years ago and I am still adjusting to not having a class.

    I have participated in a number of leadership courses over the years and will be supporting other members of the leadership team who are also course participants. However, the Leading Change component of this course is something I am particularly interested in, especially as we navigate the current climate in education and the changes to the curriculum.

    I have two adult children, one who has also become a teacher. I am expecting my second mokopuna any day now. I balance the busyness of teaching with a lot of physical activity and time out in the beautiful natural environment I live in.

    1. Oh welcome Kim. We have such a lovely blend of experience in our group and a great geographic spread. Those online discussioms are going to be so interesting. What an exciting year you are going to be having!

  6. Tena koutou, ko Kayleigh toku ingoa. I am a third-year teacher at a beautiful kura in Rotorua. I have wanted to be a kaiako since I was about 8 years old and even though there are challenging days, and I am still a fairly new kaiako, (but I have worked in kura’s for the last 8 years) I wouldn’t change it for the world. It is my absolute passion. I have been fortunate to have had some small leadership roles up until now, being the netball manager at my kura and also running a gifted and talented program, this year and I have recently taken on a student teacher for 2 days a week for the whole year. I have recently developed a passion for gardening, well more using what my garden produces especially pickling everything! I celebrated my 1-year wedding anniversary yesterday to my kiwi hubby. I look forward to growing through this course. Nga mihi nui

    1. What an exciting year you have had Kayleigh! You might have read in my profile that I taught for 12 years in Rotorua. It’s a great place to live because it its proximity to everything and the rich cultural mix. Your latest role is such a logical progression for you. I look forward to speaking with you face to face.

  7. Kia ora, ko Lauren Fish ahau. I have been teaching at Hurupaki School for 5 years in the junior school area. I’m Lauren Fish, a passionate educator who loves inspiring the next generation. Teaching isn’t just a job for me—it’s something I truly care about. When I’m not in the classroom, you’ll find me out in nature, whether it’s hiking, going for walks, or enjoying Northland’s beautiful beaches. Being outdoors keeps me grounded and recharged for everything I do. I am really looking forward to the new learning during this course and using this learning for my next steps in my career. Ngā mihi.

    1. Welcome Lauren. What a great work/life balance you have. The natural world is such a wonderful way to restore balance isn’t it. I am sure the akonga in your care thrive because of the passion you bring to your work.

  8. Ngā mihi maioha kia koutou katoa. Welcome to Growth Culture’s Emerging programme. I am so looking forward to working with you all. I have been with Growth Culture for five years because I enjoy the stimulation of helping you on your leadership journey. Do take the time to hop on here and tell us all about yourself and your education environment.

  9. Kia ora, Ko Lisa Te Kira ahau. I have been teaching at Hokitika Primary School for eight years. I have three adult children and enjoy a wide range of sports. I actively play netball, volleyball, and squash. I have recently passed my NZ netball theory qualification for netball. My passion is to teach, nurture, and support all tamariki on their educational journey. I look forward to engaging in this course and making new connections. Ngā mihi nui.

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