A warm welcome to the Aotearoa AP/DP Programme! It is great to have you on board with us this year.

Itiiti rearea, teitei kahikatea ka taea

Although the rearea is small it can ascend the lofty heights of the Kahikatea tree

The rearea, a small native bird, was closely observed by our ancestors as it foraged for food. They noticed how the rearea would fly upwards, hover briefly (sometimes drifting downwards a little), and then fly upwards again, repeating this process until it reached the top of the towering kahikatea trees, which in earlier times could reach heights of 50 meters or more. Once it reached the canopy, the rearea would feed on the fruit. This whakataukī uses the rearea’s determined climb as inspiration, reminding us that if this small bird can expend such effort to obtain food and achieve its goal, then surely we too can reach our own goals through perseverance.

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