“Ko ngā pae tawhiti whāia kia tata, ko ngā pae tata, whakamaua kia tina.”

The potential for tomorrow depends on what we do today.

Module Objectives:

  • Enhance self-awareness: Develop a deeper understanding of personal values, beliefs, and leadership styles.
  • Develop emotional intelligence: Identify and manage personal emotions, and understand and respond effectively to the emotions of others.
  • Identify personal strengths and areas for development: Conduct a comprehensive self-assessment and identify key strengths, weaknesses, and areas for professional growth.
  • Build self-reflection habits: Develop and implement strategies for ongoing self-reflection and professional development.


Section 1: Exploring Self-Awareness

Resource 1: Taking off the armour and showing up authentically

According to a study in the Leadership and Organization Development Journal, employees’ perception of authentic leadership serves as the strongest predictor of job satisfaction and positively impacts work-related attitudes and happiness. Watch this video on authentic leadership from Brene Brown – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9669oUfqbDU Consider what this means for your leadership – how do you show up at school authentically?


Section 2: Developing Emotional Intelligence

Resource 2: “Emotional Intelligence for School Leaders” 

Explore this podcast on why emotional intelligence is imperative for school leaders – https://www.gse.harvard.edu/ideas/edcast/24/03/why-emotional-intelligence-matters-educators 


Section 3: Identifying Strengths and Areas for Development


Self-review can take many forms and be carried out in a number of ways, but the underlying principles of effective self-review require it to be:

    • Purposeful – leading to action for improvement
    • Meaningful – not reviewing for reviewing’s sake
    • Manageable – realistic in terms of time and human and financial resources
    • Systematic – programmed so it doesn’t get overlooked
    • Reliable – based on relevant and valid evidence
    • Collaborative – involving key stakeholders

Source: https://www.educationalleaders.govt.nz/Managing-your-school/Ongoing-school-self-review/Principles-and-levels-of-review 


Step 1: Reflect on your personal leadership style and identify areas for self-improvement.

Step 2: Discuss with your kaiarahi the most effective strategies for gathering feedback from others on your leadership strengths and weaknesses.

Consider options such as:

  • 360-degree feedback surveys: Involving staff, students, parents, and other stakeholders.
  • Informal feedback: Seeking feedback from trusted colleagues, mentors, or external coaches.
  • Observations: Observing your own leadership in action and seeking feedback from trusted colleagues.
  • Reflection journals: Regularly reflecting on your leadership experiences and identifying areas for growth.

Step 3: Develop a plan with your kaiarahi for gathering feedback from multiple sources and document your plan in the online forum. This can be discussed at your first coaching session.

Step 4: Post on the forum a brief summary of how you will collect feedback, from who and why.

Step 5: Implement this plan and, at your second coaching session, reflect on this.



  • Completion of all readings.
  • Participation in the online forum discussion.
  • Development and implementation of a plan for gathering feedback on leadership strengths and weaknesses.
  • Reflection on personal leadership style and development of a personal development plan.


One Response

  1. Hi Team

    Thank you all for confirming a time to catch up in person this term. The purpose of this initial conversation is to hear your story and to understand what you hope to gain form this experience and how you see me supporting you. As I get to know you all I may look to arrange some opportunities to connect on common issues, i.e. similar leadership challenges, admin roles of principals, working with BOT’s etc.

    For now, take some time to digest the information above and reflect on where you see your strengths and areas for growth. The link below is a basic reflective rubric thinking about the characteristics of leaders and less so the technical skills. This may be useful in thinking about how your perception aligns with how others perceive you. Weirdly those with high EQ tend to judge themselves harshly and vice versa. I would encourage you to seek feedback from those you have worked closely with to see how closely your perception aligns with those you serve. This is one of many reflective tools out there. Feel free to use something else if yo prefer. The aim is ultimately to consider next steps.


    Kia pai tō rā


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