Kāore te kūmara e kōrero mō tōna reka
The kūmara does not speak of its sweetness
Module Objectives:
- Understand ethical frameworks: Explore and understand various ethical frameworks and their application in educational leadership.
- Develop an ethical decision-making process: Develop and apply a structured process for making ethical decisions, considering diverse perspectives and potential consequences.
- Reflect on personal values and beliefs: Examine personal values and beliefs and how they influence ethical decision-making.
- Analyse ethical dilemmas in education: Analyse real-world ethical dilemmas commonly faced by school leaders.
- Apply ethical principles to school policies and practices: Evaluate and revise school policies and practices to ensure alignment with ethical principles and the school’s mission.
Section 1: Exploring Ethical Frameworks
Reading 1: “Tu Rangatera”
Now is a great time to dive into this resource, if you haven’t already, or refresh yourself if you have – https://www.educationalleaders.govt.nz/Leadership-development/Key-leadership-documents/Tu-rangatira-English
Reading 2: “What is Ethical Leadership and Why is it Important?”
Section 2: Developing an Ethical Decision-Making Process
Reading 3: “A Framework for Ethical Decision-Making in Schools”
This reading will provide a step-by-step process for making ethical decisions – https://www.education.vic.gov.au/Documents/school/principals/spag/governance/ethicaldecisionsmodel.pdf
Section 3: Personal Values and Ethical Leadership
Reading 4: “The Golden Circles”
Leading with the ‘why’ – https://simonsinek.com/golden-circle/
Resource 5: “Creating organizational cultures based on values and performance”
“Ethical Dilemma Analysis”
Step 1: Identify an ethical dilemma relevant to your role as an Associate/Deputy Principal at your kura.
Step 2: Apply what you have learned from the resources in this module, considering different perspectives, potential consequences, and relevant ethical principles.
Step 3: Discuss with your learning partner or a colleague at school how you would approach this dilemma, including how you might consult with others, what information you would need, and how you would ensure transparency and fairness in your decision-making.
Step 4: Document your analysis and proposed approach in the online forum for peer feedback and discussion.
- Completion of all readings.
- Participation in the online forum discussion.
- Analysis of an ethical dilemma and reflection on the application of ethical principles.
- Discussion with colleague or learning partner and documentation of the approach to resolving the dilemma.