Module 1

Module 2

3 Responses

  1. Tēnā koutou katoa, my name is Fiona Moore.
    I’ve been teaching for 25 years and am currently leading a team of Secondary Kaiako in the Hamilton office for Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (The Correspondence School). I’m a kaiako of Science and Biology and have been a Year level Dean in 2 previous schools. I’m looking forward to connecting with colleagues on this course, and growing my ways of Being and Doing as a leader.

  2. Kia ora koutou, my name is Rebecca Hill.
    I am a secondary school teacher in Whangamatā Area School. I have been teaching for 8 years. I am currently teaching Outdoor Education and Health and also the Year 11 Dean. I am really looking forward to learning and growing through this experience to grow my kete as a leader.

    Posting here as well as saw we needed to also post in our kaiārahi’s section.
    Looking forward to working with you all!

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