Due: 24th March


“He waka eke noa”

We are all in this together.


Module Objectives:

Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to:

  • Articulate their personal leadership philosophy and goals.
  • Develop a compelling vision for student success that is inclusive and equitable.
  • Align their personal goals and vision with the school’s mission and strategic plan.
  • Identify and utilise relevant resources to support their leadership development.


Task 1: Defining Your Leadership Philosophy


Reflect on your values. What are the core values that guide your personal and professional life? How do these values influence your approach to leadership?

Consider your beliefs about learning. What are your beliefs about how students learn best? What are your beliefs about the role of the teacher in the learning process?

Define your leadership aspirations. What impact do you want to have as a leader? What are your long-term goals for your leadership journey?

Explore different leadership styles (e.g., transformational, servant, instructional). See below for resources to explore. Which styles resonate most with you? Why?

Briefly journal your reflections and insights from this activity. You might like to prepare to share your thoughts with your learning partner(s), as a way to introduce yourself at a deeper level than you might do ordinarily. You will meet your learning partner at PLG 1 (21st March).


Task 2: Defining Student Success


Explore diverse perspectives on student success. Consider the following questions:

  • What does it mean for students to be successful academically? Socially? Emotionally? Culturally?
  • How can we ensure all students, regardless of their background or learning needs, experience success?

Develop an inclusive definition of student success that applies to all learners in your school.

Discuss your definition of student success with colleagues and seek their feedback.


Task 3: Aligning with the School’s Mission

Carefully review the school’s mission statement, values, and strategic goals.

Analyse how your personal leadership goals and vision for student success align with the school’s overall direction.

Identify any areas where your personal leadership goals and vision may need to be adjusted to better support the school’s priorities.

Share your reflections on the forum in 150 words or less.


Resource Bank:

Explore the resources most relevant to you and your personal reflections:

  1. The New Zealand Curriculum – https://nzcurriculum.tki.org.nz/
  2. Tātaiako: Cultural Competencies for Teachers–  https://teachingcouncil.nz/assets/Files/Code-and-Standards/Tataiako-cultural-competencies-for-teachers-of-Maori-learners.pdf 
  3. Leading Learning: A Professional Standards for Principals and Senior Leadershttps://teachingcouncil.nz/professional-practice/our-code-our-standards/ 
  4. Leadership Styleshttps://hbr.org/2024/04/6-common-leadership-styles-and-how-to-decide-which-to-use-when
  5. Transformational Leadership –https://www.forbes.com/councils/forbescoachescouncil/2024/08/13/transformational-leadership-the-how-and-why/
  6. Servant Leadershiphttps://positivepsychology.com/servant-leadership/ 
  7. Instructional Leadership – https://schoolreviews.education.qld.gov.au/res/Documents/spotlight-paper-instructional-leadership.pdf 
  8. Seven Strong Claims About Successful School Leadership Revisited – https://www.profdavidhopkins.com/assets/docs/Seven%20strong%20claims%20about%20successful%20school%20leadership%20revisited.pdf


  • Self-reflection throughout the module.
  • Completion of all activities – journaling for Task 1, conversation with colleague for Task 2 and post on forum for Task 3.
  • Peer feedback and discussion within the online forum.


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