Module 11

Candour and Influence

Due: 5th September


I orea te tuatara ka patu ki waho.

A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions.


Module 11 is brought to you by Serena Cooper and Aaron Ironside. Please watch the below video and answer the provocation below. 

Module 11 Provocation:

Use the three Pillars of Persuasion in preparing a strategic solution to a challenging scenario from your context. Briefly frame up this scenario then answer the following questions:

  1. Ethos – In a sentence describe why you are a credible person to be suggesting this solution
  2. Logos – What is the logical connection between the problem and your solution – why will it work?
  3. Pathos – What values or needs are connected to this solution? How does it reveal what is important to you?

Keep your Pillars of Persuasion statements succinct.

Involve you learning partner! Get in touch to have a conversation about this before you post on the forum or comment on their post.


8 Responses

  1. Scenario: A parent that has three children with varying levels of health and cognitive complexities. Feels that her children are targeted by staff, teachers and students. Feels they are bullied, beaten and victimized by their peers. After extensive investigation, meetings, support. This has been found to NOT be the case at all, in fact quite the opposite. She felt that the children were not learning enough and blamed the school. This parent has threatened gang action, legal action, has threatened and intimidated parents at the gate, used social media to slander the school, students, staff AND other families.

    Ethos: I am the senior leader of this kura and have a duty to uphold the ideas, the values, the mana and kaupapa of IPS for the staff, students and whanau..

    Logos: As a senior leader, I had many interactions with the family and the children. I had developed a lovely relationship with the children and this was respected by the parent, allowing for continued, somewhat civil conversations. The solution was to build a deeper understanding of what the parent was looking for in terms of her children’s education, this included SenCo support, home Schooling and Te Kura.

    Pathos: My core values of respect, integrity, relationships and honesty allow for the school values and expectations to be upheld while maintaining the mana of all.

  2. Scenario: A new primary school teacher who is experienced in early childhood education is facing challenges in understanding curriculum content, effective teaching methods, and positive behavior management strategies for older junior students.

    Ethos – In a sentence describe why you are a credible person to be suggesting this solution.
    A senior leader, with experience teaching New Entrants to Year 13. I have demonstrated a collaborative approach to building trust, supporting others’ capacity for growth and improvement through reflective practices, mana enhancement, and a solution-focused mindset.

    Logos – What is the logical connection between the problem and your solution – why will it work?
    Staff member offered support to grow and learn through regular structured coaching ( not mentoring). There is “buy in” as it provides a safe place with carefully constructed questions to enable them to talk about, reflect on challenges, goals, reality, options and next steps.
    Others testimony of experiencing success.

    Pathos – What values or needs are connected to this solution? How does it reveal what is important to you?
    Listening, not telling, careful questions and scaffolds to frame conversation and guide staff towards agency, ownership and achievable positive outcomes. Sustainable continual improvement which encompasses school values of Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga and Manawa Reka along with Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles of Partnership, Participation and Protection.

  3. Use the three Pillars of Persuasion in preparing a strategic solution to a challenging scenario from your context. Briefly frame up this scenario then answer the following questions:

    Challenging scenario: An unstable and threatening parent.

    Ethos – In a sentence describe why you are a credible person to be suggesting this solution
    Because of my calm nature and experience in PLD/SLT training I could use this to calm the parent using learnt strategies and techniques.

    Logos – What is the logical connection between the problem and your solution – why will it work?
    Because this parent knew I was in the SLT team and had dealt with him before in a calm and understanding manner he had respect for me because he knew that I was calm, said I understood where I was coming from and could provide a plan before he left.

    Pathos – What values or needs are connected to this solution? How does it reveal what is important to you?
    Calmness, integrity, relationships and communication are all connected to this solution and also important values to me.

  4. Scenario: a challenging staff member who does not respect the members of our SLT other than the principal. They often go out of their way to be provocative and get a negative reaction through what they say and how they act. They act as if the expectations do not apply to them. They are very experienced and have even been a Principal themselves.

    Ethos: I am always respectful and kind towards all staff members. I have experience in dealing with people from diverse backgrounds and was in HR before I came to teaching. I believe everyone deserves respect.

    Logos: As a staff, we worked together to develop our agreed ways of working at the start of the year. This was in relation to how we interacted with each other, how we spoke about our colleagues as well as the students in our classes, and how we could hold each other to account for being respectful and professional. We need to revisit these and remind each other of our expectations, of ourselves and for others. I suggest a plan for a buddy system: someone to check-in with regularly, to address any concerns or problems.

    Pathos: this will allow individuals to feel valued and respected whilst upholding our ways of working, and will allow staff to have direct communication with a member of SLT rather than moan-bonding with colleagues. It is also important for everyone to feel valued and an important member of the team.

  5. Scenario: Teachers are struggling with challenging behaviours from a few students and are quickly referring them to leadership, expecting severe consequences like stand downs. SLT believes stand downs won’t lead to long-term change and seeks a balanced, supportive approach using consistent PB4L strategies that encourage positive behaviour and empower teachers.

    The challenge is how to make teachers feel heard and supported while also supporting the students to make positive changes.

    Ethos: SLT continue to share expertise in PB4L strategies and model them in response to student behaviours. SLT also needs to provide ongoing professional development to support staff in understanding and using these strategies. This helps to build trust as it shows SLTs commitment to supporting both teachers and students.
    Logos: Share research on the effectiveness of PB4L strategies and their benefits over punitive measures like stand downs. Share success from other schools or scenarios.
    Pathos: Emphasise with the frustrations of the teachers and the toll the behaviour is having on them. Demonstrate that we understand their concerns. Develop a shared vision of providing a positive and supportive learning environment which has positive long-term benefits for our students.

  6. Scenario:
    An experienced teacher is allowing flagrant behaviours to escalate without addressing them in advisory. This is affecting the broader school environment, leading to relief staff and co-advisors being reluctant to teach in that class.
    As Assistant Principal responsible for pastoral care and behaviour management, I have implemented PB4L strategies to create a positive and respectful learning environment. I have experience in resolving issues that ensure both staff and students feel supported and valued.
    Addressing disruptive behaviour by teaching expected school values is crucial for maintaining a positive school culture. Implementing a clear, consistent approach to behaviour management in the advisory prevents issues from escalating and reduces the impact on relief staff and co-advisors. This solution will work because it directly addresses the root cause of the problem, ensuring that behaviours are managed with proactive, feedforward information given directly to the student.
    This solution aligns with our shared values of Ako, Aroha, and Manaakitanga. By addressing these behaviours promptly, we reinforce the importance of a safe and supportive learning environment for everyone. It reflects my commitment to fostering a school culture where both staff and students can thrive, highlighting the importance of mutual respect and collaboration in our school community.

  7. Scenario: An experienced teacher nearing retirement is passionate about teaching and enjoys the school environment but is resistant to adopting new teaching techniques or upskilling. This reluctance is leading to challenges in meeting the diverse needs of today’s students and aligning with the school’s evolving educational goals.

    With over two decades of experience in education and a deep understanding of both traditional and modern teaching methods, I or my colleagues can support a balanced approach that respects their experience while introducing manageable, effective strategies.

    Logos: By gradually incorporating small, effective strategies—such as integrating proven techniques from STEM, Inquiry, or Place-based—into their teaching practice, we can boost student engagement without making major changes to their existing methods. This approach honours their teaching style while ensuring that students receive the support they need to succeed.

    This solution honours their commitment to teaching and their love for the school environment. It emphasizes the importance of legacy—ensuring that their final years in teaching are as fulfilling and impactful as possible, both for them and their students.

  8. Scenario –An experienced teacher is not letting in their class before the lesson has even begun from past minor behavioural interactions that have occurred. Saying to students “Are you going to behave today or do you need to leave now?”
    Ethos – I am the Dean of the year level, I have a duty to my students to ensure they are getting into classes to learn and support the teacher with student behaviour.
    Logos – Talking to the teacher about past behaviours and recognizing the need for a team approach to build a connection with the students. The solution is to have the students enter the same way everyone else does and set the standard for the whole class at the beginning of the lesson. This way no one is singled out and given the opportunity to do the right thing. If behaviours continue then students can be asked to stand outside and follow the school for of “take 5 and step outside”, the teacher then goes out to talk about the behaviour and if not resolved, student can be sent to the dean.
    Pathos – It is important to see the needs and feelings of the teacher to support them in ensuring students are behaving in class and not take away the mana of the teacher. We are a PB4L school, so I want to encourage the teacher to stay positive and restorative as well.

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