We would love to get to know you. Please post a short introduction and take the time to read other people’s introductions too. Networking and connection is a really important aspect of all our leadership programmes and one way to start this off is to comment on other people’s posts.

Kei ōu ringaringa te ao

The world is yours.

131 Responses

  1. Kia ora koutou,

    My name is Alastair Cron. I’ve been involved in education for 25 years and have been at Bromley Kura for the last 24. I enjoy the opportunities I’ve had over the years and find tamariki a pleasure to work with. I have passions outside school; these include tramping, climbing, and working on our lifestyle block. The things that inspire me are new ways of doing things, planning programmes of work that are engaging, Apple Technology, Reggio-inspired philosophy, and connecting to challenging tamariki.

  2. Kia ora everyone! I’m so excited to connect with you all here.
    My own journey includes 20 years in education and as a Deputy Principal, followed by a pivot to Growth Culture after completing the Aspiring Leadership course. I can’t emphasise enough how impactful that PD was – truly the best I’ve experienced. The kaiarahi mentorship was an absolute gift, providing invaluable support and wisdom, and the connections I forged were incredible. In fact, every member of my group has since become a principal!Now, as Head of Impact at Growth Culture, I’ll be actively involved throughout the year. You’ll see me hosting workshops focused on leadership development, and I’m particularly passionate about exploring the integration of AI into leadership practices. I look forward to seeing you all at the PLG on the 21st!

  3. Kia Ora,

    Ko Ruapehu toku maunga
    Ko Whanganui toku awa
    Ko Parakino te marae
    Ko Te Ati Haunui-a-Pāpārangi toku iwi
    No Papaioea ahau
    Ko Caleb Young toku ingoa

    My name is Caleb Young, I am a kaiako at College Street Normal School in Palmerston North. I am really looking forward to developing my leadership skills and getting to meet some of you next week.

  4. Ko Kōtirana te whakapaparanga mai (engari)
    Ko Tāmaki makaurau te whenua tupu
    Ko Maungawhau te kāinga
    Ko Mackenzie tōku clan
    Ko Wait tōku whānau
    Ko Melanie taku ingoa
    Tēnā tātou katoa

    I am a History and Social Studies teacher at Epsom Girls Grammar School, I am also one of the Across School Leaders for ACCoS. Looking forward to meeting you all soon 🙂

  5. Kia ora koutou,
    Ko Carey Thomas-Senior taku ingoa
    Nō Airangi me Whītī oku tīpuna
    I whānau mai ahu ki Rōtōrua
    I tīpu ake ahau ki Pāpākura
    Kei Ōnekiritea ahau e noho ana
    Kei te kura o Northcote ahau e mahi ana

    I am a bit late to be saying hello.
    I am very excited to be part of this group, to connect, grow & learn from one another in this forum.
    My name is Carey, I grew up in South Auckland & did Social work with some amazing organisations out South in Ōtara & Pāpātoetoe before taking on my first teaching job way back in 2002.
    I have held many different teaching & leadership roles in primary & Intermediate schools over my career.
    One of my passions is cultural competency in education & I have recently finished my thesis titled ‘A Pākeha dance with Te Ao Māori’ which was a transformative journey!
    It is an exciting/ challenging time to be leading in Education so I am looking forward to this year with Growth Culture.

    Looking forward to connecting soon,

  6. Kia ora koutou,
    Ko Lindi tōku ingoa.
    I come from a background in hospitality and ESL before moving into primary school teaching 15 years ago. Currently, I am the Middle School Team Leader at Bromley School, Christchurch, having previously been the Junior School Leader for five years.
    I am passionate about Reggio pedagogy and further developing the skills and capabilities of already highly effective teachers. I’m excited to embark on this leadership journey and really look forward to learning from you all.

  7. Kia ora all,

    My name is Tim Haines and I am excited for the opportunity to be part of the Aspiring Leaders Programme. I have 10 years teaching experience in Aotearoa New Zealand, with some time in London. I still consider myself relatively new to leadership, with three years as a team leader under my belt; I think it is because you’re constantly learning new things and strategies. In addition, education and leadership is an ever changing landscape. I love education, and I am committed to coaching, inspiring and helping people reach their full potential. That is both students and educators alike. I look forward to working with you all. Apologies, as well, for the lateness of my post.

  8. Kia ora tīma,
    Apologies for being (very) late to the party! I am Year 7 Dean at Kerikeri High School in beautiful Northland and am in the middle of a pretty intensive month of camps. I am in my third year as a dean and have been teaching for ten. Other than teaching english and social science, I have a keen interest in sport – particularly rugby and netball. I decided to start my leadership journey as I am lucky to work with some superb leaders. Their support, encouragement and aspirational leadership have had a big impact on me.
    Outside of school, my husband (outdoor ed teacher) and I have two daughters, two host daughters and a border collie pup. Mum lives next door and I am lucky to have a big, full life. Excited to work with you all this year. Ngā mihi.

    1. Tēnā koe Jess and welcome. Although a busy first month for you what a great way for you as the Year 7 Dean to get to know the students in your school. Like you, I too have a keen interest in rugby and netball. I look forward to meeting you in person and supporting your leadership journey.

  9. Kia ora koutou, I am Nicola BB and am a proud Mainlander of 3 full years. I work in a MLE Christchurch kura, have been a Team Leader, and SENCO and LSC in South Auckland in the past. I currently have my TL on loan to another wonderful teacher, and I’m currently an Across School Leader (ASL) for our Kāhui Ako of 10 kura in the area of junior curriculum, and teach .5 in a year 3/4 MLE of 110 tamariki. This role is varied and fantastic. Looking forward to connecting with everyone.
    Nga mihi
    Nicola BB

  10. Kia Ora everyone. I’m Peter, I’m in my 10th year of teaching and my 5th year at whitiora school in Hamilton. I am a crt kaiako, and curriculum lead for HPE. I’m also a massive advocate for AI so am also developing the schools AI strategy. Personally, I’ve been married to Jo for 42 years, have 4 sons and 1 grandson. I’m looking forward to connecting with you all and seeing the path for next steps in my career.

    1. Welcome Peter. I’m looking forward to meeting you in person. I think you must have had a different career before you went teaching. I’m sure lots of our delegates will be interested in what you have to say about AI.

    2. Kia ora Peter – I’d love to connect! I am also heavily involved in the implementation of Ai in education, and also work within a team that is working on a body of work alongside MOE! Let’s chat!

  11. Kia ora e te whānau!

    Ko Amy au. I am a Kaiako at St. Patrick’s Kaiapoi (primary) and have been there for the last 4 years. I teach year 4 students and am the Within School Leader for our Kāhui, Head of IT and Kapa Haka at my kura. I am very excited to be in the Aspiring Leadership Programme, and I look forward to learning and enhancing my leadership.

    Ngā mihi nui

  12. Mōrena e te whānau

    I finally have access whoop whoop! I am definitely excited about undertaking and making my own leadership a priority this year. I came about this opportunity after experiencing the Growth Culture Kaahui Ako PLD in 2024. My mahi is always reflective of my curriculum marau lens of Health, PE and wellbeing supporting through a coaching and mentoring flavour. I am a HPE Wellbeing Across School led for our Te Pae Here Kaahui Ako in Waikato and have been leading in various roles to date at my kura; Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu – the correspondence school. Great to read all those mihi and am looking forward to kanohi ki te kanohi very soon.
    Ngā mihi

  13. Tēnā koutou katoa. Nau mai Haere Mai ki te whānau o Growth Culture.
    What a pleasure it is to be a Kaiārahi for the third time and congratulations to you all for embarking on this exciting leadership journey with our wonderful Growth Culture team. I am looking forward to meeting and supporting my 15 aspiring leaders. I believe that the learning, well-being, and development of all students are important and that teachers, including leaders, must remain at the cutting edge of their profession through continuous PLD and inquiry into their practice to be relevant and effective. Congratulations on becoming our 2025 cohort
    It has been a real privilege to be of service to education for 50 years, 27 years in Senior Leadership and management plus leading four schools, from special character,( two catholic Girls’ Secondary Schools, St Catherine’s College in Wellington and Sacred Heart Girls in Hamilton )to rural ( Reporoa College) and Māori majority ( Rotorua Girls’ High School) experiencing first-hand the power of leadership in all forms. International experience gained as an Education consultant with Cognition Education in the UAE and working alongside the Ministry of Education, Boards, communities, and staff has given me valuable insight into effective strategies to facilitate school improvement and provide leadership mentoring.
    Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini.
    I come not with my own strengths but bring with me the gifts, talents and strengths of my family, tribe and ancestors.
    Mauri Ora

  14. Kia ora koutou. My name is Sam and I have been teaching in the primary sector for over 25 years teaching mainly in Dargaville at Selwyn Park School. I have a passion for literacy and love inspiring kids to read for enjoyment and write for escapism. When I am not in the classroom I am a mum of 3 active boys and an active part in the local swimming club and the surf lifesaving club. I look forward to meeting you all and to seeing where this journey takes me. Ngā mihi mahana.

  15. Kia Ora koutou,

    Ko Herangi te pae maunga, Mokau me Mangaotaki nga awa, ko Maniapoto te iwi, Maniapoto te tangata, Mokau ki runga, Tamaki ki raro, Mokau Kohunui te Marae, no Piopio te hau kainga.
    Ko Waikato te iwi, Waikato te awa, Taupiri te Maunga, Potatou Te Whero Whero te tangata, he piko he taniwha, he piko he taniwha. Ko Tainui te waka.
    Ko Leighton Price ahau, ki Ngamotu te kainga noho.
    Tena koutou katoa.

    My name is Leighton Price, I am in my 5th year of teaching after retraining as a heavy automotive mechanic. I teach in the Technology department, work as a hostel staff member and dean at New Plymouth Boys High School. My background as a mechanic and as a professional rugby player has allowed me to acquire skills that I find useful in our profession.

    I am looking to grow my knowledge in leadership and continue to find, develop and understand my leadership style. I am eager to learn new strategy and ideas to help those around me, while helping myself become a better person too.

    I look forward to connecting throughout the year.

    Nga mihi kia koutou katoa

    1. Kia ora Leighton, I love the conversations that often come from the life “before” teaching and how it often shapes us in this role and often can provide different viewpoints in some situations. I also love my students faces when they find out I was not always a teacher!

    2. Nau mai. Haere mai Leighton,
      What an interesting career you have had.
      I look forward to meeting you online and in person to discuss the transferable skills you use for teaching and supporting you on your leadership journey. Mauri Ora.

  16. Hi everyone,
    I am Femke Piper, a teacher in the mighty Waikato, Matamata.
    I have been teaching for 15 years now and am looking at making the next step in my career. This is my second year with Growth Culture, as I did the Emerging programme last year. I am looking forward to continuing my journey.

  17. Kia ora, my name is Heath. I’ve been a teacher for the past 7 years both in New Zealand and the UK. I’m looking forward to the learning to come and am very grateful for the opportunity to gain insight from experienced leaders in the hopes of becoming one myself in the future.

  18. Kia ora everyone, I’m Leanne. Originally from Sydney I have been in New Zealand for 3 years. My education career has spanned almost 20 years working in the independent school sector in co-ed and girls schools. I stepped out of teaching for 5 years as I started a company in the natural health sector, scaled it and then sold the business in 2022. I’m now working at an Intermediate School where I am a Team Leader and Head of Wellbeing. I look forward to meeting you in a few weeks and sharing this journey with you.

  19. Kia ora koutou, my name is Michelle and I work in Primary Education. I have been teaching for many years and have had various roles during that time. I am the Year 0/1 Team Leader at my school and I lead/support all the transitions to school for our 5 year old tamariki and their families.

  20. Kia ora e te whānau!

    Ko Tom au. I am a Kaiako at St. Patrick’s Kaiapoi (primary) and have been there the last 2 years. I teach year 7 students, and am head of Sport & Mathematics at my kura. I am very excited to be in the Aspiring Leadership Programme and I look forward to developing more connections and leadership skills throughout the year. I am passionate about strengths-based leadership and have seen the impact of this in workplaces.

    I look forward to meeting you all and seeing how we can better each other in our journeys!

    Ngā mihi nui

  21. Kia ora, my name is Liezl Wienand.
    I am so excited to be part of this course. I am currently an Assistant Head of Middle Years, with a focus on our Junior Secondary Programme, at KingsWay School and I teach Mathematics. I have been involved in teaching/education for about 20 years now. I am looking forward to growing through this course.

  22. Kia ora koutou, I’m Kylee Poole. I’ve been a teacher for 19 years now, working across a range of year levels, 9 years in the intermediate (Year 7/8) space and for the past 10 years, I’ve been teaching Year 5 at Mangapapa School in Tūranganui-a-Kiwa. Over the years, I’ve held different leadership roles, particularly in PB4L and Digital Technology, and I’m currently an Across School Leader (ASL) for our Kāhui Ako. While I was initially appointed as a Digital Technologies ASL, my mahi has more recently shifted towards Marau ā-kura/local curriculum development—something I’m really passionate about.
    Outside of school, I’m a mum of three and the ear (and sometimes sounding board!) to my principal husband. I’m looking forward to expanding my leadership kete, connecting with others, and growing my knowledge as I prepare for future career opportunities. I’m excited to be part of this space and to continue growing as a leader. Looking forward to the learning ahead and the insights we’ll all gain from each other!

    1. Kia ora Kylee. What a busy person you are but I’m so pleased that you are able to squeeze us in to your busy schedule. I’m looking forward to reading your perspectives during the course. Later in the year I’ll head up your way to get an appreciation of your context.

  23. Kia ora koutou, I’m Sue Parkinson.
    I am looking forward to starting this leadership journey we are all embarking on. I am an Across School Leader in Kahui Ako and teach Literacy from 9-12.30 each day with year 4-8 students. I love maths, music and EOTC. Reading is a passion. I’ve enjoyed reading the posts, what an inspiring range of teachers and settings in this rōpu. I look forward to hearing more of your journeys and learning together.

  24. Kia ora, everyone. Looking forward to the year ahead and picking up some great skills and knowledge to help me grow professionally and personally. I spent my early working years working in the radio industry around the North Island, before I retrained as a teacher a few years ago. Currently in my 4th year teaching, started my teaching career at Tauhara College in Taupo which I loved and was lucky enough to step into a Year 9 dean role which was hugely exciting and rewarding. Shifted back to Auckland at the beginning of this year to be closer to friends and family as we get set to welcome our 2nd child in April. Currently working at Westlake Girls High School as an English teacher and dean of one of the house. It’s been a huge change going from Tauhara College to Westlake Girls High School, but one that I am really enjoying. Looking forward to meeting you all over the year ahead.

  25. Kia ora Koutou!
    I’m Steph Burgess and I’m excited to be partaking in this Aspiring Leadership Course for 2025. I’m looking forward to being challenged and building on my own understanding of leadership in order to have a more profound impact.
    I live in the beautiful Gisborne and this is my 10th year of teaching in Primary and I have taught Year 0-6 in that time in a range of capacities.
    I started my career in Thames and have been in Gisborne ever since. Personally, my whanau and I have a feijoa orchard (about 700 trees) and I love all things Netball having played/umpired/coached for years.

    I am passionate about our tamariki here and there are many amazing educators in our region. I am an ex student of Tauranga Girls’ College when Pauline was still principal so it’s a privilege to be learning from Pauline now through this course.
    I personally do not hold a leadership position within my kura, as I have just returned full time after having my 3 children. I currently have a unit for student leadership. However, I am career driven, passionate about education would love to pursue a leadership position in future so I can have a wider impact. I am very much looking forward to learning from others in this course and hearing of their experiences.

    Kia pai te ra!

    1. How lovely to hear from you Steph. I started my teaching career in Paeroa so not so far from Thames. You sound incredibly busy and your student leadership portfolio is a greet first step into leadership. Some schools have chosen to broaden this into well being which is an interesting approach. I look forward to talking with you soon.

  26. Hello, my name is Zach Mercer-Bootten, and I am thrilled to introduce myself as an enthusiastic participant in the Aspiring Leaders Programme. With 6 1/2 years of teaching experience and 2 1/2 years of leadership experience, I have developed a deep passion for education and a commitment to fostering growth and innovation within the field. I am particularly excited about this opportunity to enhance my leadership capabilities and to connect with like-minded individuals who share my dedication to strengthening education.

    1. Kia ora Zach, I like the energy you bring to the course and look forward to supporting you on your journey!
      Please go online and book a virtual meeting and then after that we’ll meet face to face at PLG1

  27. Tēnā rā koutou,
    Ko Josh tōku ingoa. I started my teaching journey about 15 years ago, and have taught in secondary, tertiary and now in intermediate settings. I have a love for all things teaching and learning, especially the areas of maths and te reo Māori. I’m currently the team coordinator for the year 7/8 team at Parkview Pārua School in Christchurch, and am looking forward to embarking on this new journey alongside you all.

  28. Kia ora everyone,

    My name is Kara Napier, and I’ve been teaching for 12 years. I’m especially passionate about children’s early school years and fostering a love of learning right from the start. For the past two years, I’ve been teaching at Bayview School in Auckland after spending six years teaching in the UK. At Bayview, I lead our Year 0-2 team, as well as literacy, transitions, and inductions for our school. I’m excited to be part of this leadership programme and look forward to learning from you all on this journey. I’m eager to gain new insights and apply them to become the best leader I can be. Looking forward to connecting with you all!

  29. Kia ora koutou, my name is Rebecca Hill.
    I am a secondary school teacher in Whangamatā Area School. I have been teaching for 8 years. I am currently teaching Outdoor Education and Health and also the Year 11 Dean. I am really looking forward to learning and growing through this experience to grow my kete as a leader.

    1. Kia ora Rebecca,
      I’ve just finished a senior cycle of deaning and circled back to the juniors. Year 11 must be a tricky space with all the changes etc. Look forward to meeting in person. Jess

  30. Tēnā koutou katoa, I am Dionne (said Dion) and I hail from Waihōpai (Invercargill) at James Hargest College where I teach Science & Biology and Dean ~240 Year 11 to 13s. I am in my 7th year of teaching after re-training in my 30s to become a secondary kaiako and am in my 3rd year of the Dean role. I have joint this program to learn more about who I am as a leader and learn how to harness my own strengths to benefit my practice and confidence in the role I am doing.

  31. Kia ora everyone, I have been teaching in Tāmaki Makaurau for the last 10 years predominantly with intermediate aged students. I am very much looking forward to participating in this course, making connections and ultimately enhancing the learning experiences for our ākonga.

  32. Tena koutou katoa, ko Linda Holmes toku ingoa.
    I have been teaching for a number of years across both primary and secondary levels in the Bay of Plenty and Waikato. I am currently HOD of Social Science and Year 12 Dean here at Raglan Area School.
    I am looking forward to adding to my educational kete with more knowledge and skills to support our rangatahi while also getting to know you all as we all embark on this journey together.

  33. Kia ora koutou, my name is Fiona, and I’m currently working alongside an amazing group of educators as the Year 3 Team leader. Originally from Melbourne, I worked at the University of Melbourne for many years before moving to Auckland with my family and transitioning into the teaching profession. I’m excited to be part of this learning journey with you all and look forward to sharing ideas, growing together, and learning from each other!

  34. Kia ora koutou,
    My name is Kirsty and I am excited to be part of this programme. I am looking forward to developing my leadership skills, reflecting on my practice and hearing new ideas to try in my everyday. I have been teaching in the South of Auckland for 9 years. I am currently head of the maths curriculum and growth coaching. However, I just got a job as DP at a school starting next term. Looking forward to joining the waka!

  35. Kia ora
    My name is Wessel. I’ve been a Science teacher for 15 years, starting my journey in South Africa and then moving to Bream Bay in 2019. I am currently a House Dean and are excited to grow as a leader and build some more knowledge and skills through the course and meeting like minded peers.

    1. Tēnā koe Wessel. It is lovely to hear from you. Years ago I was fortunate to go on a study tour with Waikato University to your beautiful country. I am pleased that you have enrolled in the course and that you are excited to grow as a leader as you journey with us. I look forward to talking with you soon.

  36. Kia ora koutou katoa,
    A huge welcome to all of you ‘aspiring leaders’! I am really excited about walking and learning alongside you all as you embark on this leadership journey. I’ve been lucky enough to have been in a range of roles in education over a long period of time and if there is one thing I have learnt through it all it’s to never take our focus away from what it means to serve our children and whanau – ‘O le ala i le pule, o le tautua’ – the pathway to leadership is through service.
    I’m excited to be part of the whanau that is Growth Culture – it feels like a focused, positive and exciting group of people to be around and who doesn’t want that in your working life?!

  37. Bula! Lovely to read everyone’s intros. I’m Alicia and much like that aunty in ‘Boy’ – I have many roles at kura! My teaching career has turned up a notch and I am keen to keep that momentum going. Looking forward to working alongside you all this year and chat more in person on 21 March 🙂

  38. Kia ora whanau,

    I am a Health and Physical Education teacher at a secondary school in the Waikato. I have studied and have interests in and around Sport Science and the outdoors. I have had some sporadic experience in the AP DP areas over the years but have been a dean for over a decade and have had very interesting experiences in both vertical and horizontal formats. I am currently the Year 9 Dean looking at trying to bring about some changes to our young people for their long term benefit.

    1. Kia ora Jeremy
      I’ve been a Year level Dean for Y10 then Y11 at a previous school and found it quite tough to reconcile the time demands of Deaning with teaching a practical subject (Science & Biology). I imagine you might find the same with your teaching area!
      Looking forward to catching up in due course 🙂

      1. Kia ora Fiona, yes I do agree with you a bit here. Being and experienced teacher definitely helps as the demands of deaning definitely takes the planning time out of the classroom. Moving back to a horizontal system after being in a vertical system after being in a horizontal system has also brought its challenges. Definitely looking forward to some yarns.

  39. Kia ora koutou katoa, ko Nathan Hinton toku ingoa.

    I am very excited to be a part of this programme as developing my leadership skills is my main goal across all of my roles within my school. I am in my 10th year this year of being a primary school teacher and I am currently working at Bayview School in Auckland’s North Shore teaching a year 6 class. I am also a Team Leader for one of our 3 PLG’s at our school, our schools PB4L leader, and an Across School Leader with a focus on hauora and children with high and complex needs for our 9 schools within our Kāhui Ako in the Kaipātiki area. I am really looking forward to meeting you all and becoming a better leader.

  40. Kia ora whānau,

    Ko Jarrod Clarke toku ingoa. No Morenawhira ahau, heoi ano, kei Mount Maunganui ahau e noho ana inaianei. I have been teaching at Mount Maunganui College for 10 years now and am excited to be on this leadership journey with you all.

    1. Tēna koe Jarrod,
      I have a background in Health and PE and I look forward to working with you this year on your leadership journey. I could spend 10 years in the beautiful Mount Maunganui too. I have only driven through Morenawhira but as principal of Sacred Heart Girls’ College, quite a few of our students traveled by bus to school. Ngā manaakitanga.

  41. Kia ora koutou katoa, and a warm welcome to all delegates involved in the Aspiring Leaders programme. I look forward to meeting you all and specifically supporting my twelve delegates. I applaud your willingness to take up this professional development opportunity and I’m confident you will find the programme very worthwhile. I’m a relative newbee to the Kaiārahi role being in my second year with Growth Culture, following my retirement from over forty years in education, with the last fourteen spent leading Tauranga Boys’ College. I found my first year in the role very rewarding so I’m keen to continue to support delegates grow their knowledge and leadership skills.
    I’m looking forward to partnering with you as you strive to develop your knowledge and further your career.
    Enjoy the journey!
    Ngā mihi nui Robert

  42. Kia ora koutou, my name is Sean Embling. Currently I’m HoD Technology at Mount Maunganui College. I have been teaching 20 years of which i’ve spent 8 years as a Pastoral Dean and 9 years as a HoD. After being on the wheel for that long I’m totally ready for refreshment and growth. I’m looking forward to taking a closer look at my leadership and developing it further.

    1. Tēnā koe Sean,
      It is great that you are ready for refreshment and growth. With your 8 years as a Pastoral Dean and 9 years as HoD Technology, I look forward to working with you on your leadership journey.

  43. Kia ora koutou,
    I’ve been a primary school kaiako in Canterbury for the last 11 years. I’m excited and also nervous about seeing where I can go personally and also looking forward to connecting with others who may be on the similar or other journeys.
    Ngā mihi

  44. Tēnā koutou katoa, Hello my name is Erin.
    Over my teaching career I have taught down in the Waikato and Tāmaki Makaurau.
    At the moment I am a New Entrant Teacher and Whanau Leader at Cornwall Park District School.
    I am looking forward to developing my leadership skills in my current role, connecting and learning from other educators.

  45. Kia ora koutou!

    I am a kaiako in the mighty Bay of Plenty, with 15 years under my belt, excluding some time off to have my last daughter. I have taught across the primary school levels, though found my love of teaching within the junior school. I am new to leadership, taking on the leadership of our New Entrant Waka, whilst also holding my sporting responsibilities. I am excited to add to my kete from you all and to develop my own identity as a leader within my classroom, waka and kura.

  46. Kia ora everyone, I’m Rachel. I have been teaching primary aged children for 19 years. My teaching journey began in the UK where I lived for 20+ years and where I trained. This is my 10th year being ‘home’ and I enjoy the diverse and never ending challenges each new day brings. I am looking forward to learning from you all.

  47. Hello
    My name is Elleen Davids. I am teaching at Bayview Primary School and have been teaching for 19 years with some time off to have my two beautiful children. I am currently teaching a straight year 6 class and am team leader, head of maths and ISL for Pedagogy. I also run the big events like production and Showquest at our school. I am excited to continue growing as a leader and learning from others.

  48. Tēnā koutou katoa

    My name is Matthew Farrow. I am currently working at Wentworth College on the North Shore. I teach Year 7 & 8 Mathematics and I am the Dean for Year 8 students. I have been teaching since 2008, first in South Africa and then for the last 8 years, here in New Zealand.

    I am looking forward to growing my leadership ability and using the wealth of knowledge to improve my school and community. Keen to meet you all.

    See you in the forums and on the 21st of March.

  49. My name is Charlotte and I am in my 3rd year of teaching at Parkview Pārua school. I was asked to lead the Year 1/2 team in my second year of teaching. I am new to both teaching and being a team leader! I’m looking forward to learning some skills to help me lead by example and increase my confidence in my leadership abilities.

  50. Kia ora koutou, I am Ashleigh D’Cruz from Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School, where I have been for the last twelve years. I have five years experience as a team leader, and four years as an Across School Teacher for our Kāhui Ako. I am excited to start this journey and see where the learning takes us!

  51. Kia ora koutou!
    I am Connie Palmer and I am the yr 5/6 team leader for a school in Christchurch. This is my second year as a team leader and I am also the curriculum lead for Science and Sustainability across our school. As I am new to the leadership role, I am super excited to grow my capabilities in this area.

  52. Kia ora whānau, my name is Damon Haenga, I am the HOD for health and physical education at Mount Maunganui College and have been teaching for 15 years. I am looking forward to getting to know and learn from you all. “…whoever refreshes others will himself be refreshed” – Prov 11:25.

    1. Tēnā koe Damon,
      I also have a background in Health and Physical Education and I look forward to meeting you and supporting you on your leadership journey.
      I tautoko Prov 11.25. Ngā mihi nui.
      Ko te amorangi ki mua , ko te hāpai ō muri. ” The leader is at the front, those supporting are behind. ” While a leader guides the way , everyone has a vital role to play in collective success, encouraging development of leadership qualities in all members of a group.

  53. Ngā mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa. I am delignted to be working with 9 of you in the Aapiring programme this year but that said, I will be interested to engage with all of you. This is my 5th rewarding year with Growth Culture. After 40 years in Secondary education, 6 years in Local Government and various governance roles I love engaging with you on your various leadership pursuits and am full of admiration that you are willing to take on study on top of your already onerous workloads. Well done!

  54. Kia ora, I am joyful to be part of this Aspiring Leadership programme for 2025. I have been teaching for 16 years, 14 at Epsom Girls Grammar and a HOD for most of that time as well as an ISL and now ASL. I am looking forward to progressing my leadership journey through this programme and making some connections along the way.

    1. Tēnā koe Leanne,
      It is great to have you on the programme and I am sure you will enjoy connecting with like-minded Aspiring Leaders. I look forward to meeting you and supporting you on your leadership journey. Mauri Ora.

  55. Kia ora Koutou,
    Ko Kakepuku toku maunga, Ko Waipa toku awa, Ko Ngaati Apakura te iwi, Ko Tainui te iwi, Ko Kahotea toku marae, No Otorohanga ahau nei Kirikiriroa toku kainga inaianei, Ko Manaia, Ko Charman, Ko Hill toku whaanau, Ko Rickson Hill toku ingoa.
    Kia ora, my name is Rickson Hill and I am senior teacher at Nawton Primary School in Hamilton and have been teaching for 4 years.
    I have experience and a love for martial arts which I interweave into my teaching with school grappling classes. I believe every student deserves to learn in a fair, inclusive, and supportive environment that empowers them to reach their full potential. By fostering a safe and holistic space, we nurture their strengths, build confidence, and encourage a love for learning.
    I am really looking forward to this space and the opportunity to grow in my leadership journey. I look forward to meeting you all.
    Ngaa mihi mahana

  56. Mōrena, I am an Acting DP at a school in South Auckland. I have been a Team Leader for over ten years. I have completed my Masters in Teaching in the last few years and am looking forward to extending my knowledge in leadership. I am excited to meet everyone and networking with like-minded people.

  57. Kia ora Koutou,
    Ko Ngongotahā toku maunga, Ko Rotorua-nui-Kahumatamomoe toku roto, Ko Utuhina toku awa, Ko Te Arawa te iwi, Ko Tainui te iwi, Ko Ngati Whakaue te hapu, Ko Trembath toku whānau, Ko Mark Trembath toku ingoa.
    Kia ora, my name is Mark Trembath and I am teacher at Rotorua Intermediate School and have been teaching for 19 years across both primary and secondary spaces. I have taught in NZ and in the UK also.
    I have been in various roles over my time in education, Team leader, Dean of Year 10, Director of Football and a GC. Most recently after completing my Masters in Counselling at U.O.W, I was a Guidance Counsellor at Rotorua Boys’ High School.
    I am really looking forward to this space and the opportunity to grow in my leadership journey. I look forward to meeting you all =)
    Ngā mihi mahana

    1. Tēnā koe Mark,
      It is great to have you on the programme. The various roles you have been in over your time in both primary and secondary education sound very interesting. Looking forward to meeting and supporting you on your leadership journey.

  58. I am Laura and I have been teaching physics and junior science for almost 18 years. I am originally from Scotland, where I did my teacher training. Teaching has allowed me travel and experience different cultures and education system. I have taught in Scotland, Portugal, Dubai, Auckland and now I teach in Ruakaka up in Northland. I have been a house dean, and I am currently the HoD of a growing science department. I am looking forward to getting to know you all as we embark on this learning journey together.

    1. Tēnā koe Laura,
      It is lovely to hear that teaching has allowed you to travel and experience different cultures and education systems this certainly resonates with me.
      I look forward to meeting and supporting you on this leadership journey.

    2. Kia ora Laura
      I trained at Waikato Uni and went overseas straight away, ending up teaching outside of London for 5 years in Year 7-13 Comprehensives and also a Y12 & 13 College in Basingstoke. I was struck by the similarity (at the time – mid 90s) of the Scottish Secondary education system and the one we had in NZ – teaching A levels in England was quite an experience! I felt sorry for those poor Year 11 students who had to choose 3 subjects to concentrate on for 2 years and thought that the Scottish Highers sounded much more sensible in structure.

  59. Kia ora koutou, my name’s Georgia and I am in my seventh year of primary teaching in Christchurch. I am passionate about literacy and have held curriculum leadership in the arts area also. I am the team leader for our Year 3/4 team and am looking forward to growing my skills and confidence as a leader.

  60. Kia ora koutou, my name is Sam. I teach maths at Central Hawke’s Bay College and am an ASL for our Kāhui Ako. I have been working in Education for almost 20 years which has included working in secondary schools in the UK and NZ, a Special School and also leading maths for the schools across the Cayman Islands. I have had various roles which have required leadership but in most cases I have just blagged my way through so I am looking forward to learning more about how to do it properly! Looking forward to meeting you all soon.

  61. Hi everyone, I am a primary school teacher and team leader at a South Auckland school. I have been teaching for 20+ years and still love my job. I find being in the classroom very rewarding but think it might be time to take the next step into a senior leadership role. I’m looking forward to new learning.

  62. Kia ora koutou, my name is Gail. I have been teaching for 20 years as a Primary school teacher in Auckland. I started my teaching career at a Catholic School and after a few years I was given the opportunity to become a Team Leader. I moved on to a bigger school in the role of Team Leader. I am looking forward to new learning and taking part in the course and connecting with other educators.

  63. Kia ora koutou, my name is Colleen. I have been teaching for 25 years as a Primary school teacher in Tāmaki Makaurau. I have recently changed my role and am enjoying my new position as a sports co-ordinator at Cornwall Park. I am looking forward to taking part in the course and connecting with other educators.

  64. Kia ora koutou, I’m Siouxzan! I’m an intermediate school teacher in Tāmaki Makaurau, now in my ninth year of teaching. I’m excited to explore my leadership strengths and next steps through this course as I continue growing in my role as Leader of Learning. This year, I’m also co-leading our PLG for the new reading curriculum rollout, and I’m eager to develop further skills to support my colleagues effectively. Looking forward to connecting and learning with you all!

  65. Kia ora koutou,
    After completing the Emerging Leaders course in 2024 I am excited to step up and be on another learning journey. It was so refreshing to spend time on professional development in this space. The people I met and valuable insight they gave me was so empowering. I am currently HOF of PE and Health and Year 10 Dean. I look forward to meeting many of you over the course of the year.
    Nga mihi

  66. Kia ora,
    My name is Adele and I have been working in the field of education for thirty years. I have worked in the tertiary and primary sector are looking forward to developing my leadership skills in my current role as a classroom practitioner and whanau leader at Cornwall Park District School.

  67. Tēnā koutou katoa. My name is Craig and I have been teaching for 12 years as a secondary school teacher in the fields of Health, Physical Education and more recently Drama. I am in my 8th year of Pastoral Care as a Dean and loving that extra contact with our Ākonga and assisting them with their educational journey. I am really looking forward to unpacking where I am at and where I can go on my leadership journey and working with all you like minded Kaiako.

  68. Kia ora koutou, my name is Gina. I am a primary school teacher in Tāmaki Makaurau. I have been teaching for 15 years in a variety of primary and intermediate schools. I am looking forward to taking part in the course to grow my own leadership and connect with other educators.

  69. Kia ora everyone, I have been a primary school teacher for the past 16 years and taught in schools in New Zealand and international schools overseas. I look forward to exploring my own leadership potential as well as connecting and learning from others.

  70. Kia ora koutou,
    I am excited to get to know everyone and start this journey together this year! I am in my 12th year of secondary teaching (subjects are English, French and Classical Studies). I have progressed in my career throughout this time through running year levels, becoming TiC of a subject and then becoming a HOD. I am looking to extend myself in my leadership capabilities and looking towards future aspirations.

    1. Welcome Christina. I am really looking forward to working with you. I will email you an individual response shortly. Your career path thus far sounds so like my own. It will be great to talk about next steps!

  71. Tēnā koutou katoa
    I’m really looking forward to diving into this forum, the mahi, and connecting with other participants. I’ve been a Science & Biology kaiako for over 25 years in NZ (with a short stint teaching in the UK soon after I trained at Waikato Uni), with some Year level Dean years added in to the mix BC (Before children). I took a few years out to be a fulltime mum and jumped into the world of ECE via Playcentre while our 2 kids were pre-schoolers – they are now aged 14 and 16. I’ve been working at The Correspondence School/Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu for the last 10-ish years and have been leading a team of fabulous Secondary kaiako for the last 5 years.

  72. Kia ora.
    What a great way to start the year. I am excited to be walking this journey with other likeminded professionals in the education sector. I started my teaching profession in mainstream with experience in primary and secondary schools as well as tertiary education. I am currently leading a wonderful team of educators and assistants at a special needs school in the south of Auckland where I lead a transition unit for post 18 students. I am looking forward to the connection, networking and camaraderie with everyone during this course and beyond.

  73. Kia ora koutou katoa, and I too add my welcome to the Aspiring 2025 forum space. I am delighted to be working with you as your kaiārahi for 2025 and congratulate you on signing up for this mahi in addition to all the other work and responsibilities the year holds for you. I am excited to get to know you all, to hear your passions and ambitions, to explore and understand your work environment and to learn what drives and motivates you.
    My contribution to our learning partnership comes from over forty years in education, the most recent seventeen as Principal of Tauranga Girls’ College. I am also in my sixth year as part of the Growth Culture team, working across the motu in primary, intermediate and secondary schools supporting aspiring leaders. ” Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora a mua” – Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead. Looking forward to embarking with you on this year’s leadership journey.


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