Emma Kingston | Growth Culture

Emma Kingston

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Tēnā koutou, Ko Emma Kingston tōku ingoa. I oversee the leadership programmes for Growth Culture, as well as acting as kaiārahi for the Emerging programme.

I am a primary trained teacher who has worked in state and state-integrated schools, comprising single cell and open learning configurations. I have led many workshops and conference sessions on pedagogy; as well as facilitating, coaching and mentoring for a number of years across primary, intermediate and secondary schools. My last full time role was as a Deputy Principal where, as part of a strong team, we were tasked with transforming all aspects of a school in crisis. I subsequently transitioned to part time pedagogical and leadership coaching roles when I had my own children. At Growth Culture, I am excited to help to grow and empower newer leaders in schools to achieve positive outcomes for staff and children alike.

Outside of work, I have two boys, aged two and a half and six who keep me occupied! I enjoy cooking, eating, sailing, reading and family, whilst constantly living in a mess of renovations!
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