Kia ora koutou, Aspiring Leaders team,
This is an invitation to have Growth Culture come on-site and relieve some pressure, inspire your people, and model our Student Leadership Strength Assessment Fully Funded PLD.
- Teachers and Leaders
- Students in Year 5 to Year 12 (content adapted for all year levels).
- Students who are in, or who want to step into, leadership roles.
PLD Priority = Assessment [Funding application close end of MAY]
- Modelling of smarter assessment practices via the customised lessons, content and staff meeting [if desired] to model ‘smarter assessment’ content.
Click here for the flyer ****Student Leadership pdf*** and see here for the link to the nuts and bolts of the PLD offering.
Bex or I can meet up this week, or you can book a time with her: Meet with me! for a korero and a few minutes [5min] to hold your hand through the funding application process. Don’t miss out ~ ACT NOW!
Ngā mihi nui
Emma Kingston, on behalf of the Strengths Team at Growth Culture.