Module 11

Due: 5th September   I orea te tuatara ka patu ki waho. A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions.   Module 11 is brought to you by Serena Cooper and Aaron Ironside. Please watch the below video and answer the provocation below.  Module 11 Provocation: Use the three Pillars of Persuasion in […]

Module 10

Due: 22nd August “Leaders instil in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves. Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals.” -Unknown   Leadership Administration is a collective term for at least two important aspects of leadership—operational leadership, the organisation of systems and structures that ensure day-to-day school goals are met, […]

Module 10

Due: 22nd August   He maurea kai whiria! Ignore small matters and direct effort toward important projects. Module 10 is brought to you by Serena Cooper and Aaron Ironside. This half-hour interview on Consensus Building has some really great tips for inclusive participation that engages and empowers a group.    Provocation: Consider a time when […]

Module 10

Due: 22nd August   He maurea kai whiria! Ignore small matters and direct effort toward important projects. Module 10 is brought to you by Serena Cooper and Aaron Ironside. This half-hour interview on Consensus Building has some really great tips for inclusive participation that engages and empowers a group.    Provocation: Consider a time when […]

Module 10

Due: 22nd August   He maurea kai whiria! Ignore small matters and direct effort toward important projects. Module 10 is brought to you by Serena Cooper and Aaron Ironside. This half-hour interview on Consensus Building has some really great tips for inclusive participation that engages and empowers a group.    Provocation: Consider a time when […]

Module 9

Due: 8th August   Mā mua ka kite a muri; Mā muri ka ora a mua. Those who lead give sight to those who follow; Those who follow give life to those who lead.   “To lead effectively we’re responsible for respecting and leveraging the different views and staying curious about how they can often […]

Module 9

Due: 8th August   Mā mua ka kite a muri; Mā muri ka ora a mua. Those who lead give sight to those who follow; Those who follow give life to those who lead.   “To lead effectively we’re responsible for respecting and leveraging the different views and staying curious about how they can often […]

Module 9

Due: 8th August   Mā mua ka kite a muri; Mā muri ka ora a mua. Those who lead give sight to those who follow; Those who follow give life to those who lead.   “To lead effectively we’re responsible for respecting and leveraging the different views and staying curious about how they can often […]

Module 9

Due: 8th August   Tūwhitia te hopo, mairangitia te angitū. Eliminate the negative, accentuate the positive.   Module 9 is brought to you by Serena Cooper and Aaron Ironside. Please watch the below video and answer the provocation below.     Provocation: Please share on the forum: – A description of a scenario/ area of influence/challenge […]

Module 8

Due: End of the holidays (date adjusted to allow you time to connect with your learning partner.)   Ma te huru huru, Ka rere te manu With feathers, a bird can fly   Daniel Goleman’s 1995 seminal work ‘Emotional Intelligence’ introduced the concept of EQ (emotional quotient) as opposed to IQ (intelligence quotient) to analyse […]