Follow Up Videos

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We have also included four short videos from our NeuroFIT & LiteracyFIT Masterclass Series (with two bonus extras!)

Each component takes approximately 30-60 mins to complete.


Understanding & Responding to ANXIETY


Understanding & Responding to AUTISM


Understanding & Responding to DYSLEXIA


Understanding & Responding to ADHD


Understanding & Responding to Oppositional Defiance Disorder


Understanding & Responding to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder



10 Responses

  1. Amazing videos with alot of really valuble information. I will definitely be taking away lots of strategies and techniques that I have learnt and apply them in the classroom. This was really helpful and Im looking forward to sharing this with my staff team aswel.

  2. Love the bonus videos!! Full of strategies, tips and tricks to help students and teacher aides in the classroom. I enjoyed the fetal alcohol spectrum disorder video as I have heard of it but knew nothing about it.

  3. All of the videos are incredibly interesting and offer a lot of useful strategies and tips. I have implemented many of these strategies and found them very useful. Staying calm has always been a powerful tool. When something triggers emotional chaos, it is essential to transmit calm to children to help them feel safe, contained and confident, which helps them reconnect with the classroom environment.

  4. this was all good learning for me and alot of ideas to use for kids i work with specially the asd kid i work with the breathing techniques will help alot to calm them down and will also help me at homem with my own child

  5. I was exposed to oppositional defiance disorder is new to me. For the most part students who presented symptoms of the disorder I would just reason that they are a bit defiant and disrespectful. I was surprised to learn this is neurodivergent and can be supported with various strategies. Often teachers opt to send students to the deans in frustration and give out ultimatums (eg: if you keep disrupting the class, you will have to…) however it is much better to respond by being calm, modelling the behavior you expect of the student while giving them autonomy to make a choice.

  6. Some of the strategies, for example with anxiety about the breathing techniques, and the ODD tips about being calm and that it is ok to walk away or not try to ‘win’ the argument, has helped me feel better about some situations I have had, and has made me feel like I have not failed in what I tried to do. Next time I will try to stay calm, which would be a great skill for me to learn – not just in the job – and think about what words I will use to try to keep the instructions and my sentences short.

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